Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's like Narnia.

       You know, when the winter is finally over and all of the snow melts? Just a couple of weeks ago we got about a foot and a half of snow up here at 5,000 feet. Although I did decide to head down the mountain to escape being snowed in, I am now so grateful for that storm. The snow has melted away and brought us a lush spring, with all of the wild flowers and new shoots of grass that a spring in the Sierra should have.

I remember a day in the dead of winter when I left the mountain for the 500 foot elevation of the central valley. I was shocked. There were FLOWERS down there. They did, in fact, still exist in places! Then there was a time about a month ago when I took a little drive down at 3,000 feet and saw for the first time this year, DAFFODILS. Everyone's love for the springtime icon made so much more sense. Daffodils really are the sign of spring. Next thing I knew, I was up here leading a hike at 5,000 feet and there were flowers all around me. On the ground, in the apple trees, on the manzanita. It occurred to me that this is possibly the most magical time of year. I love the springtime here.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shedded the Gnar

Speaking of learning from the people around me:
        Today I climbed my first multi pitch! It was a climb called Munginella in Yosemite Valley. 3 pitch, 5 star, 5.6.

In not climbing terms:
          I did a longer climb with more gear, that was not too hard, but a lot of fun.

I also realized today how spoiled I am to be doing most of my first climbing in Yosemite. The place is absolutely breathtaking. There were so many times during the climb that I had to stop and attempt to soak in all of the beauty. At the first pitch (or the first section) I was standing on a tiny ledge on the face of the climb waiting for my turn to climb, and I could hardly believe the sight in front of me. Below me were towing spires of ponderosa pines, looking like miniatures from my view. Behind me was the silhouette of Half Dome and Glacier Point. Just to my right I could catch a glimpse of the beginning of Yosemite Falls. Accompanying those icons were the small beauties of blossoming indian paintbrush, soaring birds, blooming manzanita, and speckled granite.

I am so thankful for the time I have spent here. On top of it all are those two beautiful friends that I have made, who were willing to spend the morning teaching me new aspects of a new love.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that we repelled down a small waterfall at the end. How's that for an epic morning?

Friday, April 27, 2012


Today I learned how to make kombucha. It is something I have thought of doing for years, and my friend asked if I'd like to make it with her. Being taught or teaching is such a wonderful way to spend time with someone. So often I forget that the people around me have plenty of things to teach me. What a fun thing to explore what the people around you know and learn from them. Especially when the product is homemade kombucha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pursuing the Good

Today I do it again. Today I begin the process of sharing, remembering, learning, by way of posting pictures and words on a little blog for all to see. This is my forever changing life.